Stanco di usare programmi macchinosi per ascoltare la tua musica? Programmi come Itunes, Windows media Player o anche Winamp? vuoi un programmino che richiama un pò la grafica di Winamp ma più leggero e che ti permette di fare tutto?
Ecco a voi AIMP3.
AIMP è un player audio leggero sviluppato da un programmatore russo che riproduce la maggior parte dei formati audio conosciuti presente la localizzazione italiana nel programma installabile anche in versione portable.

Le sue principali caratteristiche sono:
- Multiformat Playback:
.CDA, .AAC, .AC3, .APE, .DTS, .FLAC, .IT, .MIDI, .MO3, .MOD, .M4A, .M4B, .MP1, .MP2, .MP3,
.MPC, .MTM, .OFR, .OGG, .RMI, .S3M, .SPX, .TAK, .TTA, .UMX, .WAV, .WMA, .WV, .XM - Output supports
DirectSound / ASIO / WASAPI - 18-band equalizer and built-in sound effects
Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed, Bass, Enhancer, Voice Remover - 32-bit audio processing
For the best quality! - Work with multiple playlists
While one plays – you work with another - Great functionality and user-friendly interface
- Creating bookmarks and playback queue
- CUE Sheets supports
- Support for plugins
You can add new utils or extend already existing - LastFM Scrobbler
- Multi-user mode support
Are several users working with one computer? This is no problem! - Multilanguage interface
- Hotkeys
Configure local and global hotkeys as you wish! - Files search
Search files on all opened playlists - Flexible programm options
Playlists - Audio Converter - Tag Editor - Audio Library - Internet radio - CoverArt Downloader - Simple Scheduler.
Per tutte le informazioni vi rimando al sito dove potete scaricare l’ultima versione uscita oggi.
- Fixed: File is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist
- Fixed: Player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist
- Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad
- Fixed: Incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window
- Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to Windows Registry on applying settings
- Fixed: The exception “Cannot open the file” occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)
- Fixed: Audio Library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files
- Fixed: Memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 Encoder
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects