Magazine Lifestyle
How go from the bookto accessories,AlessandroEnriquezauthorof the theory of italianity went this way:same graphics,same colorsand an eyeto the theme oflucky charm,recurring imagein the largevolume published byLombardiThe capsule collection, createdwith Azzurra Gronchifor theupcoming S / S2014was presented at Pitti, and is composed byfashion itemsrelated tovintage sportand lifestyle. Eachbaghas a specific name,as if to underlineits personality,Tancrediforthegolf bag orforAlfredotennis bag"It 'sbeena good bet-Iwas toldAlessandro, young and ultra chic-I playedwith thereferencesto the book,in factit is liketo rewrite itagainthrough objects."Atext from theguaranteed success, created byEnriquezgathering around a tabletenpersonalitiesof art and fashion world (OrnellaVanoni,Annadello Russo,Arnaldo Pomodoro,Fabio Novembre, EnnioCapasa, EleanorAbbagnato,MargheritaMissoniMaccapani,Albino D'Amato,PaolaNavoneand RossellaJardini) to collectstories,life stories, anecdotesand advice.Chapeau,for the idea andthe content
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