Magazine Lifestyle

Baby blue bag and flowered jacket

Creato il 13 aprile 2014 da Yleniabs

Baby blue bag and flowered jacket
Hello everyone!
Days are getting hotter here in Naples, so this is probably one of the latest post where I'm wearing jackets or coats....well are you ready for the new season? Have you already selected your favorite colors and moods for the coming summer? Let me know more about it!
See you soon with a new post =)
Ciao a tutti!
Le giornate stanno diventando sempre più calde qui a Napoli, e probabilmente questo sarà uno degli ultimi post in cui mi vedrete indossare giubbini o cappotti...allora siete pronte per la nuova stagione? Avete già scelto quelli che saranno i vostri colori e trend preferiti per la prossima estate? Fatemi sapere cosa indosserete nei vostri prossimi post!
A presto con un nuovo intervento =)
Baby blue bag and flowered jacket
Baby blue bag and flowered jacket
Baby blue bag and flowered jacket
Baby blue bag and flowered jacket
Zara topAsos handbag and jacketStradivarius pantsJeremy Ho shoesMiu Miu sunniesForever21 and New Look banglesH&M rings
Baby blue bag and flowered jacket

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