Magazine Calcio
Brasile: allenamento blindato, tifosi arrabbiati gridano 'argentina' - brazil: training behind closed dors, fans shout 'argentina'
Creato il 24 maggio 2010 da RollingballsNel pomeriggio di ieri almeno 150 persone si sono riunite davanti alle porte (sbarrate) del centro tecnico Cajù per protestare contro il divieto. Nonostante la pioggia, molte persone (in particolare famiglie con bambini) si erano presentate ai cancelli con la speranza di entrare. Invece non è stato così, e a nulla sono valse le proteste e le grida di «vergogna» urlate dalla gente. Due funzionari della federcalcio brasiliana, assistiti da uomini del servizio di sicurezza, sono usciti fuori dal centro per ribadire che l'allenamento della Selecao si doveva svolgere a porte chiuse. A quel punto sono partiti cori ironici al grido di «Argentina, Argentina», che non sono serviti a far cambiare idea al 'gauchò Dunga.
La Cbf ha comunque spedito in sala stampa Gilberto Silva e Dani Alves. «Nel 2006 con la nostra nazionale hanno fatto un'edizione speciale del Grande Fratello, e non potevamo consentire che si ripetesse un fatto del genere», ha detto il portavoce della federcalcio brasiliana Rodrigo Paiva.
Coach Dunga said months ago: it will be a different World Cup, where Brazil will be reinforced and not always available to reporters and cameras as before, "because in Brazil all the confusion around the Selecao has already cost the World Cup four years ago. I was not there, but I do not want to repeat such an error". From simple words to facts because, with the start of pre-retirement in Curitiba, national team is not more open with mixed zone for all, as once. Access to reporters, especially the cameras, are much more limited and in some cases triggered the ban such as that against reporters of satirical news programs . This has triggered the first protests of journalists in Brazil, until the problem extends to those around the World Cupwith at the arrival of pentacampeao in South Africa.
Yesterday afternoon at least 150 people gathered outside the doors (locked) of Caju, technical center, to protest for the ban. Despite the rain, many people (especially families with children) were submitted to the gates, hoping to enter. Instead, it wasn't so, and no effects did protests and cries of "shame" shouted by people. Two officials of the Brazilian Football Association, assisted by men of the security service, have left out from the center to confirm that the training of Selecao had to play behind closed doors. At that point fans started to cry ironic chorus of "Argentina, Argentina", which wasn't useful to change Gaucho Dunga's mind.
The CBF has still sent in the press room Gilberto Silva and Dani Alves. "In 2006 with our national have made a special edition of Big Brother, and could not allow a repetition of an event like this", said brazilian FA spokesman Rodrigo Paiva.
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