Ingredienti:500grdi pasta lunga2porribricioledi paneolioextravergine d’olivalattesalepepe
Cuocete in padella con l’olio iporri puliti e tagliati a rondelle. Condite con sale, pepe e un goccio di lattee mixate, aggiungendo altro latte se necessario, fino a ottenere una crema. Inun pentolino tostate in olio le briciole di pane in poco olio. Saltate la pasta cotta al dentenella crema di porri, spolverate con le briciole di pane e servite. Buonappetito!
I found this recipe a couple of year ago on theSpilucchino’s blog (here the original post), and every time I prepare it Iwonder why I don’t cook it more often. It is a simple dish, tasty, andcompletely vegetarian!
Ingredients:500gr of long pasta (like spaghetti)2 leeksbread crumbsolive oilmilksaltpepper
Clean, cut, and cook the leek in a pan with some oliveoil. Season with salt, pepper, and milk, and mix, adding if necessary moremilk, until you obtain a cream. In another pan roast the bread crumbs in alittle of oil. Pan-fry shortly the pasta al dente with the leekscream, sprinkle with the toasted bread crumbs and serve. Enjoy your meal!