Ad esaudire il sogno di tutte noi, ci ha pensato la disney che ha affidato a 9 tra i più prestigiosi shoes designer, tra cui Jimmy Choo, Ferragamo, Charlotte Olympia, Rene Caovilla, il compito di disegnare la famosa scarpa di cristallo.
Le poche fortunate che potranno permettersi questi rari e costosissimi modelli potranno acquistarli:
- Antonia Donna Milano dal 13 febbraio al 7 marzo;
- Saks, New York e Beverly Hills;
- Harrod's Londra;
- Galeries Lafayette Parigi;
- Tsum, Mosca;
- Tokyo;
- Dubai.
Quale è la vostra preferita??
All crazy for shoes, whim of every woman, can not resist a new pair of stiletto true ?? But who has not dreamed, at least as a child, to possess the Cinderella shoes??
To fulfill the dream of all of us, Disney has appointed nine of the most prestigious shoes designer , including Jimmy Choo, Ferragamo, Charlotte Olympia, Rene Caovilla, the task of designing the famous crystal shoes.
The lucky few who can afford these rare and expensive models can buy them:
- Antonia Woman Milan from February 13 to March 7;
- Saks, New York and Beverly Hills;
- Harrod's London;
- Galeries Lafayette Paris;
- Tsum, Moscow;
- Tokyo;
- Dubai.
Which is your favorite ??
cinderella by Birman

Cinderella by Charlotte Olympia

Cinderella by Russeau

Cinderella By Ferragamo

Cinderella By Caovilla

Cinderella By Jimmy Choo

Cinderella By Kirkwood

Cinderella By Paul Andrew

Cinderella By Weitzman