Magazine Lifestyle
E mentre le immagini aumentavano i passanti diventavano sempre più perplessi mentre camminavo senza giubbotto né sciarpa correndo e saltellando per le strade.....=)
A parte il freddo e gli sguardi attoniti trovo che ne sia valsa la pena, e voi che ne pensate del mio outfit?
After being ill at home for over a week, yesterday I went out for taking some pictures.
And meanwhile the immages increased the walkers got more and more confused because I was walking and jumping on the streets without coat and scarf....=)
A part from the cold and the astonished looks I think the pictures are great, and what do you think about my outfit?
I was wearing:
vintage sweater,
vintage jeans,
Paul and bear t-shirt,
Griffi's shoes
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