Magazine Cultura

Efrem – Occhio ai pensieri ombottigliati dei giovani uomini incazzati (eng)

Creato il 23 maggio 2011 da Figurehead @figureheadblog


This album is like your first friday pint after work. You know what to expect more or less, even if you try a

Efrem – Occhio ai pensieri ombottigliati dei giovani uomini incazzati (eng)
Efrem – Occhio ai pensieri ombottigliati dei giovani uomini incazzati (eng)
different brand, but that first pint is always like the first of your life. An answer to your physiological needs.

These guys from Bologna, at their first release with the monicker Efrem, title the disc after a badly written suburban graffiti, keeping the misspellings and everything.

This to give us an idea of their music, straightforward and rough like a kick in the guts. A wise mixture of italian grunge, post-rock and new wave taking them anywhere from the Slints to the At the Drive-in on the lines of an uncomfortable anger thrown with shredding guitar riffs and punky voices.

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