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I had the pleasure to participate in one of the few major events organized here in my Sicily. Etna Comics, comics fair, video games, cosplay, collectibles, but not exclusively, a meeting place for many fans who wore beautiful costumes impersonating their heroesDevo dire che non mi aspettavo tutti questi Cosplayer, tutto ben curati e orgogliosi di portare quei costumi, alcuni dei quali fatti a mano, molto molto belli. E io, da appassionata di moda e vestiti in genere, ho assistito alla fiera con l'occhio un pò critico, e anche se, mio malgrado, la maggior parte dei personaggi non li conoscevo, devo dire che sono rimasta piacevolmente stupita. I must say that I was not expecting all these Cosplayer, all well cared and proud to wear those costumes, some of which are hand-made, very very beautiful And I, as passionate about fashion and clothing in general, I attended the fair with a little critical eye, and even if, in spite of myself, I did not know most figures, I must say I was pleasantly surprised