If you have taken a look at my website and especially at the different tours that I propose, you probably have found an itinerary that is linked to the outlet stores; among the destinations of discounted shopping that I suggest there is the Fidenza Village, one of the most popular and chic outlet located just an hour far from Milan. A quiet island that offers every comfort for a luxurious shopping experience. The presence of well-known brands such as Missoni, Class, Roberto Cavalli, La Perla, Furla and many other national and international Maison makes the search for quality garments at attractive prices easy and pleasant, you can find a good selection of previous collections and , with the start of sales, from July 5 the prices will be discounted up to 70%Also it’s possible to find a good choice of restaurants and cafes, where you can stop and visit, if desired, an Italian delicatessen shop that completes an excellent shopping experience.

Per questa stagione estiva il Fidenza Village offre ai suoi visitatori fino al 14 settembre un innovativo laboratorio dedicato al gusto ed alla creatività, curato dallo chef stellato Massimo Spigaroli con la collaborazione della fondazione AltagammaSono stata molto orgogliosa di aver partecipato ieri all’inaugurazione di questo progetto ‘Best of Italy’ Food &Wine Pop up boutique, dove l’eccellenza del food e del design italiani è stata celebrata con una serata all’insegna della qualità e della bellezza
This summer the Fidenza Village offers to its visitors until 14 September an innovative laboratory dedicated to taste and creativity, edited by Michelin-starred chef Massimo Spigaroli with the collaboration of the foundation Altagamma I am very proud to have attended yesterday at the opening of this project 'Best of Italy'Food & Wine Pop up boutique, where the excellence of the food and the Italian design were celebrated during an evening dedicated to quality and beauty

Durante le soste gastronomiche il visitatore tra i numerosi prodotti potrà gustare eccellenti cantine, rinomati salumi, prodotti dolciari e dell’orto acquistabili, se lo si desidera, direttamente in negozio; il tutto immerso in uno stile completamente italiano grazie agli splendidi arredi in pioppo mixati a complementi di design contemporanei firmati da storiche griffe come Zanotta e Alessi
Pronti dunque per un tour fuoriporta all’insegna della moda e non solo?
During the gastronomic stops among the many products the visitors can enjoy excellent wineries, renowned cold cuts, confectionery products and vegetables purchasable, if desired, in-store; all immersed in a completely Italian style thanks to the beautiful furniture made by poplar wood mixed with contemporary design complements signed by historic brands like Zanotta and AlessiTherefore are you ready for a tour outside the city dedicated to fashion and not only?‘Best of Italy’ aperto tutti i giorni dalle 10.00 alle 20.00 fino al 14 settembreGiugno - Luglio: aperto anche durante le shopping nights tutti i giovedì ed i venerdì Agosto: tutti i giovedì fino alle 23.00'Best of Italy' open every day from 10.00 to 20.00 until 14 SeptemberJune-July: open also during shopping nights every Thursday and FridayAugust: every Thursday until 23.00