The Manifesto Blanco according to Marco de VincenzoIt is not a secret for those who know me well that I am an admirer of Marco de Vincenzo and that I follow him since his first successes. The fashion shows of this young designer are extremely refined, you can see in him the style research. Experimenter, he loves the avant-garde, curious explorer of other forms of art, inside his collections he combines different figurative dimensions and the result becomes refined, original and nice.The fashion show that I had the privilege to attend was perfectly suitable for the location: Palazzo della ragione located in via mercanti.
L'imponente sala dalle mura affrescate ed altissime ha accolto una collezione in cui i motivi naturali erano impressi sui tessuti, la texture della pietra stampata sui capi sembrava confondersi con l'ambiente circostante. Le stampe si alternavano ad effetti finemente plissettati: un capolavoro il trench di pelle grigio! La materia lavorata come chiffon permetteva agli abiti di danzare leggeri all'incedere delle modelle.
The impressive hall with frescoed and very high walls welcomed a collection in which the natural patterns were printed on the fabrics, the texture of the stone printed on the clothes seemed to be confused with the surrounding environment. The prints alternated to finely pleated effects: the trench coat made of gray leather is a masterpiece! The fabric worked like chiffon allowed the dresses to dance gracefully with the movement of the models.
Marco De Vincenzo interviewed by a journalist