Magazine Politica

FP: Berlusconi sposato con la mafia

Creato il 17 luglio 2010 da Stiven1986

Foreign Policy pubblica uno di quegli articoli che racconta quelle cose che ci diciamo tutti i giorni, anzi, che quelli che in Italia vengono chiamati comunisti, si raccontano tutti i giorni.

Further, many Italian politicians continue to promote and profit from a system of corruption and patronage that offers myriad economic opportunities for mafia groups like the ‘Ndrangheta. For this reason, almost all criminal justice legislation of the past 16 years — not coincidentally, since the arrival of on the political scene Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (himself a defendant in numerous corruption cases) — has been aimed at limiting prosecutorial power, watering down anti-mafia and corruption statutes, and, above all, making it extremely difficult to investigate politicians themselves. Consider: On the day that the ‘Ndrangheta crackdown was announced, Italian papers were filled with news of another investigation in which several powerful politicians and businessmen close to the government were indicted for constituting a kind of parallel government-within-the-government aimed at steering government contracts, influencing the Italian judiciary, and using false information to intimidate or defame political opponents.

Diversi politici italiani, quindi, promuovono e traggono vantaggio dal sistema di corruzione che ha favorito la prosperità della criminalità organizzata. E la legislazione degli ultimi 16 anni – non a caso dalla discesa in campo di Silvio Berlusconi – va nella stessa direzione. FP parla poi della P3, defindendola un “governo parallelo”.

This is the very system that has provided the perfect soil for organized crime in Italy. It is connections to legitimate authority — politicians, judges, businessmen — that give mafia groups their particular force, relative impunity, and ability to direct public resources and patronage, which in turn gives them electoral power.

Questo sistema di relazioni tra politici, giudici e uomini d’affari ha creato terreno fertile per i gruppi mafiosi, conferendogli, in sintesi, anche potere elettorale.

And what is the response from Italy’s top politicians? At present, Berlusconi is pushing extremely hard for a new law that would make it much harder for prosecutors to obtain and maintain wiretaps — which were, of course, the backbone of both this latest ‘Ndragheta investigation as well as the “wind power” scandal. The bill proposed by Berlusconi would outlaw the use of bugging devices in most instances. Although the law makes exceptions for cases of mafia and terrorism, mafia prosecutors have universally criticized the effort as a major potential impediment to their work.

Quindi, qual è la risposta della politica? La Legge bavaglio, che renderà più difficili le intercettazioni e che è stata criticata – universalmente – dai giudici antimafia, come potenziale ostacolo al loro lavoro.

Yet one doesn’t need to believe in secret-pact conspiracies to see that Berlusconi is clearly doing favors for organized crime. From the beginning of his time in office, Berlusconi has tried to limit the power of the Italian judiciary; his war on Italy’s justice system has only intensified in recent years. As Giuseppe Guttadauro, a Sicilian mafia boss who was wiretapped by Italian police, cunningly observed a few years ago: “Berlusconi, in order to solve his problems, has to solve ours.”

La conclusione, direbbe B, è da processo mediatico: non c’è bisogno di credere a una cospirazione segreta per capire che Berlusconi sta chiaramente facendo favori al crimine organizzato. Chiaramente facendo facori al crimine organizzato, già. La guerra di B al sistema giudiziario italiano – secondo FP, ma anche secondo me – si è solo intensificata negli ultimi anni.

E infine, le parole del boss Giuseppe Guttadauro: “Berlusconi, per risolvere i suoi problemi, deve risolvere anche i nostri”. Secondo FP si tratta di un vero patto di sangue, o di un matrimonio, come recita il titolo dell’articolo: Married to the Mob.

p.s. un’altra analisi dell’articolo la fa IlNichilista.

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