Ecco il video:
ENGPerfume is one of the most elusive and ethereal thing in the whole world: perhaps, this is the reason why it goes best with music and images. In fact, advertisement created for fragrances have almost nothing in common with the usual and stereotyped ad that we normally see on TV: often they are real short movies, many times realized by famous and gifted directors and artists, who choose to tell a story, suspending everyday reality for a while, just enough to identify oneself in the main character, whising to look like him or her, living the same adventure that he's living at that time, like a modern Alice through the looking glass. Fragrances are able to amplify the part of us that we used to keep hidden and secret, showing it bravely in front of the world, without boundries and fears, and images help a lot in this case. I totally adore the combo between perfume, images and music: in this way, you can realize a perfect wort-ton-drama, which is able to satisfy the whole sensory system.One of my favourite video is the one directed by David Lynch in 2009, for the fragrance Gucci by Gucci. Everything, from the main characters through the background up to the soundtrack, contributes to the perfect awesomeness. Soft and silky lights, a huge mansion full of doors hiding misterious secrets, a luxury and old-fashioned furniture, all combined to the dreamlike, disturbing and surreal atmosphere belonging to all Lynch's work. Models, beautiful of that lofty and statuary beauty which reminds me of Eighties women and that today it's so hard to find, catch immediatly the eye: you suddenly want to know more about them, understand who they are, what they are doing and why they are in this house lost in the blinding city lights. A situation caught in between dream and reality, a nightmare you cannot escape, perfect to create every contraddiction and strong impressions which belong to the perfume.Watch the video here!Magazine Lifestyle
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