Prossimamente posterò anche dei magnifici tartufi alla fragola con crema al cioccolato fondente che ho fatto sempre utilizzando la medesima ricetta.
2 banane
1 mela
1 yogurt bianco da125 ml
125 g di zucchero a velo
250g di fragole
100 ml latte intero fresco
Lavare, sbucciare la frutta,e tagliarla a pezzi. porla a solidificarsi nel freezer assieme al vasetto di yogurt.
Mettere nel bicchiere frullatore lo yogurt il latte parte della frutta e lo zucchero.
Appena fatto
Azionarlo fin tanto che non si sara centrifugato completamente. Aggiungere la frutta restante e se è il caso ancora un goccio di latte ma non troppo giusto per far girare le lamine.
It all started after seeing a demonstration Thermomix. In steel drum fitted sheet like the blenders had been put frozen fruit, apple, banana and strawberries and icing sugar over a 125 g of frozen yogurt before. After pulling the Baby for a few seconds had gone out a beautiful sorbet, ice cream, which almost had me excited ... I'm tempted to buy this robot is the same day . I din't But I remained in the desire to do it again with what I had available: the classic blender cup .. That does not tell anything was missing was equally delicious. I poured the mixture into a container so I put in the freezer to solidify it more. Before tasting i put it an hour in the refrigerator, and miracles, I realized that he faced no more than a sorbet ice cream, but in every respect worthy of the best ice cream parlors. Creamy and compact at the right point.
Coming soon will post also some magnificent strawberry truffles with dark chocolate cream I've always done using the same recipe.
2 bananas
1 apple
3/4 cup ml plain yogurt
1 cup of icing sugar
2 cup chopped strawberries
3/4 fresh whole milk
Wash, peel the fruit, and cut into pieces. put it to solidify in the freezer along with the yogurt.