Magazine Lifestyle

Graduated in Economy and Law!

Creato il 17 luglio 2011 da Fashiondeliz
Graduated in Economy and Law!
My lovely readers...GRAZIE!!!Ero sicura che ognuno di voi avrebbe apprezzato e condiviso con me questo fantastico traguardo!!!! Giovedì è stata una giornata stupenda in tutto e per tutto...nulla è andato storto, durante la discussione la commissione presieduta dal professore di statistica ha provato a mettermi in castagna con delle domande ma fortunatamente non mi sono fatta prendere dal panico e ho risposto nel migliore dei modi. Chissà quando mi renderò davvero conto di avere la mia prima laurea tra le mani! Che emozione unica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)Per pranzo siamo andati a mangiare a Pallazzo Grassi in via Marsala a Bologna con la mia famiglia e i miei amici più cari...poi con calma vi racconterò anche la mia seratona allo Chalet dei Giardini Margherita....ahahah...Enjoy some of my photos e fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate dell'outfit!!!
My lovely readers...THANKS!!! I was sure that each of you would have appreciated and shared with me this fantastic event!! Thursday was a beautiful day..nothing went wrong during the discussion of my thesis. Who knows when I will make truly realize that I'm graduated! :) :) For lunch we went to eat at Pallazzo Grassi in Bologna in Via Marsala with my family and my closest friends...and then I'll
surely tell you also my amazing night at the Chalet dei Giardini Margherita....hahaha...Enjoy some of my photos and let me know what you think about the outfit!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
Graduated in Economy and Law!
xoxoyours Dott.ssa LiDì
Follow LiDì in Wonderland... ♥

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