First up, the miniatures. Wraithknights, Hemlocks, Spiritseer's OH MY! Go check em out.
The Eldar Rules
Next up, the rules:
From Blood & Kittens:
Most of the rules information can be gathered from the Battle Report section of the White Dwarf. Here is what we know.
- Wraithknight: Can get Suncanons: S6 AP2 Blast Heavy 3. Twin-linked with Laser Lock if Scatter Lasers hit first. Jump Pack, Monstrous Creature, 6 Wounds, T8, (Scattershield) for Invulnerable Save
- Crimson Hunter (Fighter): Gets 2 Bright Lances and Pulse Laser : "Basically Four Lascannons" Gets a "Fighter Ace upgrade"
- The Hemlock (Bomber): Gets D-scythes (Str4) and Mindshock (Morale Check) Pod (Bomb) Distort Rule (D-Weapons) any penetration roll of 6 auto pens regardless of strength.
- Psychic Powers: Fortune (Re-roll Saves), Quicken (Increased Movement), Guide (re-roll hits), Restrain (Opposite of Quicken) Two sets of powers accessible.
- Dire Avengers: Battlefocus: run and shoot in the same turn.
- Avatar: Fearless bubble, Fleet
- Wraithblades: T6 Forceshield Generator so invulnerable save
- Wraithlord: is still T8
The focus of the battle report was of course on the new units, especially the Wraithknight it is almost like GW wants us to buy a certain model or something...
- Phil Kelly wrote the rules and Adam Troke the fluff.
- No price yet for Iyanden Supplement
- Wraithguard can get either Wraithcannon or the D-scythe so this might mean split on rules from the old dex between each weapon.
- The force organization of Eldar Unit hasn't changed just new models added into slots
- Wraithknight to Heavy Support
- Flyers to Fast Attack
- Wraithblades to Elite
- Spirit Seer to HQ
- Named Ranger to HQ
- Next up is this list of marketing talking points regarding the codex:
Codex Eldar :
- Craftworld ships will be introduced
- New special rules for many Eldar units. Old Nemesis (Slaanesh) and Battle Trance (running and shooting)
- Multiple exarch abilitys, options and equipment
Wraithknight (heavy support 240 points)
-Strong Profile (S:10 T:8 W:6 AS:3+, Jump-pack
- 2 heavy Phantom lasers (S10 AP 2 instant death on wound rolls of 6)
- Alternative equipment possible - for example close combat weapons with a 5+ invul and blind special rule or a S:6 5" Blast with AP2. with 5+ invul and blind special rule.
Somach Phantomhunter (fast attack 185 points)
- Psyker with the terrify psychic power
- 2 blast weapons with ap 2
- Enemy units within 12" have to reroll succesful ld tests.
Crimson Hunters (fast attack 160 points)
- New Aspect warriors with strong Exarch upgrades
- May reroll armor pen rolls against flyers
- Vector dancer
Wraithguard /Wraithblades (elite 160 points 5 models)
- Strong profile with S5 T 6 as 3+
- Wraithblades got 2 close combat weapons with AP3 and +1 S or can get a 4+ invul with a single AP2 weapon
- Runeseer can mark targets, every wraith unit can reroll missed to hit rolls of 1 against marked targets.
- If you select a runeseer as HQ, they become troops
Ililic Nightspear (hq 140 points)
- Alaitoc character that allows ranger units the Pathfinder upgrade.
- Has 9 special rules - one of them allows ranger units to infiltrate without the range restrictions to enemy units.
- BS:9 S:X AP2 instant death on wound rolls of 6
Other new releases for Eldar
Phantomseer, Runeprophet and cards for psychic powers.:
- 3 different kinds of psykers (Seer council, Phantomseer, Runeprophet)
- Divination, Telepathy and 2 new Eldar psychic disciplines: Runes of Battle andRunes of Fate (for Rune prophet and Runeseer respectively)
- Runes of Battle have always 2 effects, for example granting Shrouding or taking Shrouding off the enemy unit.
-Runes of Fate : 4 warpcharges, 2 powers, very strong and offensive"

Spettrocavaliere Degli Eldar
Ebbene si: avete davanti a voi un modello della GW (non Forge World) di ben 22 cm! In poche parole avrete un vero e proprio gigante in campo: non credo che entrerà in valigetta...

Grandezza a parte, il modello è già d'obbligo nelle liste degli Eldar. Lo Sprettrocavaliere fa tutto: spara, combatte e schiaccia. Questa volta hanno veramente strafatto: magnifico!
Spettrocaccia Hemlock degli Eldar / Eldar Cacciatore Cremisi
Se lo Spettrocavaliere è grande, anche lo Spettrocaccia non è da meno! I veicoli sono un mezzo fondamentale per la tattica degli Eldar... non potete immaginare quante partite mi hanno fatto perdere.

Nella stessa scatola esce il Cacciatore Cremesi: naturalmente potrete scegliere solo una delle due scelte...
Spettroguardie / Spettrospade degli Eldar
Le Spettroguardie vengono riproposte con nuovi modelli in plastica. Nota sull'estetica: il blu e il giallo è un cazzotto negli occhi!

Spettrospade combattenti: l'ennesima scatola con cinque modelli a 40€ ...
Eldar Spettroveggente
Il nuovo modello in Finecast dello Spettroveggente è il più brutto che abbia mai visto... sembra di esser tornati indietro di venti anni: lo potevano fare più dinamico?!?
Siamo arrivato alla fine di questo post lampo! Di solito concludo anticipando le prossime news della GW, ma questa volta no. Ci sono veramente un sacco di rumors ancora non concretizzabili. Quindi ci conveniente aspettare e stringere le dita (spero tanto che tocchi ad un esercito del Fantasy)...