Magazine Lifestyle
Khloe Kardashian took Elle magazine inside her shoe closet, that could easily be mistaken as a Christian Louboutin boutique.Tons of beautiful shoes coordinated by colors,because "It makes getting dressed in the morning much easier" .
KhloeKardashian rivela allarivistaElledentroil suo armadiodi scarpe,che potrebbefacilmenteesseres cambiatocon unboutique di Christian Louboutin.Tonnellate di scarpeChristian Louboutindi coordinatepercolore,perché"Rende vestirsialmattinomolto più facile"
"I love all of my shoes! It is a must to have them color coordinated, and to be able to see each and every one of them. I know exactly where each one lives and I can tell if one has even been moved! It definitely helps to put one shoe facing front, and the other to the back. It saves space, but it is also nice to be able to see the back-side of the shoe. I am an organization freak!"
"Amotuttele miescarpe!E 'un dovere provvedere che siano sistemate per colore,ed esserein grado divederli tutti So esattamentedoveognuna vivee posso addiritturadirese unaè stataspostato! Aiutasicuramente mettereuna scarpa con il fronte anteriore,el'altragirataSi risparmiaspazio,ma è anchebello essere ingrado divedere iltaccodella scarpa Iosono una folle organizzatrice !"
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