Belgrado: ‘Violati accordi 1999′. Pristina:’Azione sconsiderata’
(ANSA) – BELGRADO, 31 MAR – Due agenti di polizia del Kosovo (Kps) sono stati arrestati dalla gendarmeria serba nella zona di confine di Merdare, in territorio serbo. Secondo il ministro dell’interno serbo Ivica Dacic, i due uomini in divisa avevano armi automatiche e la loro presenza costituisce una flagrante violazione dell’accordo firmato a Kumanovo nel 1999, col quale si pose fine al conflitto armato in Kosovo. Per il ministro dell’Interno di Pristina, Bajram Rexhepi, l’arresto e’ ”un’azione sconsiderata”.
Attività Eulex
Man charged in domestic violence case

The logo of the mission (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
29 March 2012 – A EULEX judge at the Municipal Court of Vushtrri/Vucitrn confirmed on 26 March 2012 two indictments against Marko Milenkovic. The defendant is charged with allegedly attacking his wife and causing her several injuries. The judge declared both indictments confirmed and all evidence obtained during the investigations as admissible.
Marko Milenkovic has been charged by a local prosecutor from the Vushtrri/Vucitrn Municipality on two counts of grievous bodily harm pursuant to article 154, paragraph (3) in conjunction with paragraph (1) item 2) of the Criminal Code of Kosovo.
The judge found that there is well-grounded suspicion that the defendant has in both occasions physically attacked his wife, causing her several physical injuries and thereby committing the criminal offences he is charged with.
Fonte: Eulex
Man found guilty of murder
28 March 2012 – A mixed panel of two EULEX judges and one local judge of the District Court of Mitrovicë/a on 27 March 2012 found Remzi Hasanaj guilty for murder and unauthorized ownership, control, possession or use of weapon. He was sentenced to an aggregate punishment of nine years of imprisonment.
The trial panel found the defendant guilty because on 18 November 2010 at around 10:45 at the place called “Ura e Gjakut” in Mitrovicë/a he intentionally deprived Musa Durmishi of his life by attacking him with a knife. As a result of these injuries Musa Durmishi died on the way to the clinic in Mitrovicë/a. The panel also established that between 1990 and 24 August 2010, the defendant was in possession of a weapon – a pistol TT M57 without a valid authorization card.
The defendant was acquitted on another count of unauthorized ownership, control, possession or use of weapon.
The case was prosecuted by a EULEX prosecutor from the District of Mitrovicë/a.
The enacting clause can be downloaded here.
Fonte: Eulex
Man sentenced for causing general danger
29 March 2012 – A mixed panel of two EULEX judges and one local judge at the District Court of Peja/Pec on 29 March 2012 found the defendant Dervish Idrizaj guilty for the criminal offence of causing general danger. He was sentenced to five years of imprisonment.
The trial panel found Dervish Idrizaj guilty because he fired two shots at the victim in Decan/Decani, missing him and hitting the window and the door of a supermarket instead. Despite the large number of people in the vicinity, no one was hit either directly or by ricochet. The defendant was initially charged with attempted murder which was re-qualified as causing general danger.
The trial panel acquitted Isuf Idrizaj and Bedri Krasniqi of all the charges, since the evidence did not prove they had committed the criminal offences they were charged with.
The case was prosecuted by a EULEX prosecutor from the District of Peja/Pec
Fonte: Eulex