As summer approaches awakens the desire to go to the beach ... and to dance! I love to go dancing, especially in a beautiful seaside location, and for me and my friends the summer appointment with beach clubs has become a tradition and one of the places I love most is attending La Capannina in Forte dei Marmi.
Who does not know and who has not dreamed the Versilia? Beaches of golden sand, a wonderful sea, the warmth of its people, the buzzing atmosphere you breathe strolling around Viareggio or Forte dei Marmi and, above all, its nightlife, made famous by the club that does not need to presentations: La Capannina di Franceschi
Unfortunately, due the distance I can get rarely Forte dei Marmi, but when it happen, I never miss the chance to spend the night at La Capannina!
La Capannina is very a popular place but what people do not know is that it has an absolute primacy in the world. We are talking, in fact, that it is "the club, still active today, opened since more time," the only one that has never changed its name since 1929.

La Capannina era la discoteca in cui tutti volevano andare, anzi era "La Discoteca" e basta. Basti pensare che persino il giovane John Fitzgerald Kennedy a Firenze per trovare una connazionale, volle assolutamente passare una serata in Capannina.
It was the summer of 1929 when Achille Franceschi, at that time one of the many hotel manager in Forte dei Marmi, had a brilliant idea destined to change history: to transform a hut by the sea in a ballroom A bar for cocktails and pastries, tables for playing cards, a gramophone for music, a dance floor and a magnificent location to enjoy, even today, one of the most beautiful sunsets in Italy. Soon, La Capannina became the hottest hangout in Italy. Nobles and artists, politicians and adventurers, intellectuals and industrials, everyone wanted to live it, spend time there and drink a Negroni
The Second World War gave a temporary setback to the desire of entertainment in all the country. The desire of fun who came back even stronger with the peace, driven by the post-war Italy. Virtuous circles that found in that club on Forte dei Marmi their maximum expression, becoming the theater of the economic boom La Capannina became the favorite place for rising stars of Italian industry. Names that today we associate with brands such as Pirelli, Marzotto, Barilla and Rizzoli, here went crazy on the dancefloor or sipped at the tables.
La Capannina became the club where everyone wanted to go, indeed it was "The Disco" and nothing else. Even the young John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in Florence to find a compatriot, insisted for spend an evening in La Capannina

Qui ancora oggi i gruppi si esibiscono da vivo, alternandosi al deejay, interpretando i pezzi del momento, i riempi-pista in versione live! Uno spettacolo unico, tutto da vivere.Over the years on the stage of La Capannina have performed all the big of Italian and foreign music From Paul Anka to Gino Paoli, Riccardo Cocciante to Ray Charles, James Brown and Edoardo Vianello, from Little Tony to Gloria Gaynor and the list could go on for pages and pages
Here still bands performing live, alternating with the deejay, playing the pieces of the moment and the fill-track live version! A unique show, to be experienced.

Un locale in cui eleganza e stile si fondono, insieme a musica ed emozioni.Serate che iniziano con la cena nel ristorante interno al locale, uno dei migliori ristoranti di Forte dei Marmi, dove grande protagonista è il pesce ed sapori della terra toscana. La notte poi continua in discoteca, in cui si ritrovano ogni settimana migliaia di persone . Richiestissimi sono i tavoli, disponibili a bordopista, nei privé, al piano inferiore e nella zona soppalcata che circonda tutta la pista. Ma La Capannina è anche piano bar, ormai una vera rarità nelle discoteche italiane, e ben due verande, di cui una sul mare, adibite a zone relax in cui chiaccherare piacevolmente durante la serata. Certamente per questi, e anche tutti gli altri ingredienti della formula Capannina, la discoteca è la più gettonata per tutti quegli eventi che meritano di essere festeggiati.
Being the place in Versilia preferred by celebrities, athletes, actors and TV personalities, La Capannina is often the subject of services and reportages that made it the symbol of the italian clubs In addition, the club has been the location for several films. A summer of friendship, love and achievements under the umbrella thatcaught the imagination of generations.
After as many as 84 years, La Capannina has not lost its shine and continues its undisputed leadership "The queen of the Versilia" continues to offer exciting evenings, fun theme parties and top ranking guests, all year round.
A place in which elegance and style come together, along with music and emotions.
Evenings starting with dinner in the restaurant indoor, one of the best restaurants in Forte dei Marmi, where the protagonist are fish and flavors of Tuscany The night then goes on at the disco, where you can find thousands people every week Sought-after are the tables, available in in private rooms on the lower floor and in the loft area that surrounds the entire track. But La Capannina is also a piano bar, nowadays a rarity in Italian clubs, and two verandas, one on the sea, used as relaxation areas in which toyou can chat nicely during the evening.
Definitely for these, and also all the other ingredients of the formula, La Capannina, is the most popular choice for all those events that deserve to be celebrated

Oltre ad aver mantenuto e innalzato il livello delle sue serate, La Capannina ha il pregio di aver intuito il potenziale della rete, dei social network e del blogging. Così affianco a un sito ufficiale e una pagina Facebook (con oltre 20.000 "Mi piace"), c'è un blog dedicato alle serate - - aggiornatissimo con gli eventi in programma e che mostra ogni settimana le centinaia di foto scattate a vip e clienti da fotografi ufficiali e paparazzi.
Inoltre, La Capannina è presente insieme alla Bussola su il blog ufficiale del divertimento notturno tra Forte dei Marmi e Viareggio. Un sito utilissimo, dove trovare tutti i dettagli per organizzare una serata, ideato dallo stesso blogger che ha trasformato il Carnevale di Viareggio ne "il Carnevale più bello del mondo" per i motori di ricerca. Cercare su per credere! ;)
In addition to having maintained and raised the level of her evenings, La Capannina has the merit of having recognized the potential of the web, social networking and blogging. So next to an official website and a Facebook page (with over 20,000 "Like"), there is a blog dedicated to the evenings - - updated with scheduled events and that shows every week hundreds photos taken to VIPs and customers from the official photographers and paparazzi.
In addition, La Capannina is present together with the Bussola on the official blog of nightlife between Forte dei Marmi and Viareggio. A very useful site, where you can find all the details for an evening, designed by the same blogger that has transformed the Carnival of Viareggio in "the world's most beautiful Carnival" for the search engines Search on and you'll see! ;)