Magazine Curiosità

La sposa spaventapasseri

Creato il 25 maggio 2010 da Albix

cuore infrantoSedotto e abbandonato, dopo 12 anni d’amore, gli resta della moglie solo l’abito da sposa.

Lui fonda un blog: www. l’ e diventa un caso nazionale in Arizona (USA).

La ricerca dei 101 modi per reimpiegare l’abito nuziale della sua torturatrice diventano una sorta di terapia per lenire il dolore dell’abbandono, rielaborando il lutto che lo connota.

Tutti i 23 usi sinora sperimentati mostrano generalmente, insieme all’indubbio dolore, anche una sorta di acredine, una voglia  inarrestabile di vendetta: spaventapasseri, straccio per scarpe,materassino da ginnastica, portaghiaccio sono alcuni esempi.

La ex moglie pare non abbia gradito.

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Boot cleaner, scarecrow, sports banner, dish cloth… just some of the 101 uses a jilted husband has for his ex-wife’s wedding dress

By Paul Thompson

But Mr Cotter has refused take the blog down. He has attracted hundreds of thousands of hits and been featured on American television show Inside Edition.

The ex-wife said: ‘I wish all the best to Kevin and hope he seeks counselling to deal with his anger and resentment.

‘His determination, along with his family’s support, to continue with this endeavour after his children and I have asked him to stop is incomprehensible.’

The couple share custody of their two young children,a son aged seven and a daughter aged nine.

Mr Cotter said devising ways of using the wedding dress has helped him cope with the trauma of the break-up.

‘It’s been good. It really has,’ he said. ‘It’s been a great distraction.

‘It’s about me and a large piece of fabric basically, that I’ve been able to get some therapy from and have some fun with – get through some difficult times.’

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