Magazine Lifestyle
La plastica, trasparente e non, ha conquistato tutti i designer e, dopo averla vista in piccoli accessori e dettagli, nel 2014, il pvc, è protagonista di interi capi di abbigliamento.
Non solo scarpe e borse quindi, ma anche gonnelline, mantelle e giacche. Strano a dirsi, ma sembra che anche un materiale così povero ed economico, sia in grado di realizzare se abbinato a pietre e cristalli, giochi di luce da conquistare i più prestiosi brand, da Burberry a Valentino per citarne solo alcuni.
E voi che ne pensate..?Osereste così tanto..? Io decisamente no! Ma sfido chiunque a non desiderare una Chanel o un paio di Louboutin..
Life in plastic is fantastic! So quoting an old song and it seems that the designers have taken at his word the authors of the tune ..
The plastic, transparent or not, has conquered all the designers and, after seeing her in the small details and accessories, in 2014, the PVC is the protagonist of entire clothing.
Not only shoes and bags then, but also skirts, capes and jackets. Strange to say, but it seems that even a material so poor and cheap, to be able to realize when paired with stones and crystals, light games to win more prestiosi brands like Burberry, Valentino to name just a few.
And what do you think ..? Would you dare so much ..? I definitely do not! But I defy anyone not want a Chanel or a pair of Louboutin ..
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