Magazine Hobby

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

Da Petitefraise

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine.
Please don't use without permission

ITA (English version follows):
Domenica scorsa sono andata con gli amici a far castagne, nei boschi sopra Albavilla (provincia di Como). Ne abbiamo raccolte tantissime! E quanti funghi abbiamo incontrato! E' stata una giornata bellissima, piena di colori caldi, raggi di sole che filtrano tra gli alberi, foglie cadute, profumi di bosco e frutti della natura. Ma adesso lascio parlare le foto che ho scattato quel giorno :)

Vi ricordo che se volete pubblicizzarvi sul mio blog, trovate tutte le info QUI. I negozi su EtsyLuulla e Blomming sono aperti :)

Last Sunday I've been with my friends in the woods over Albavilla (near Como, in Lumbardy) looking for chestnuts. We found so many of them! And we saw a lot of mushrooms! It's been a wonderful day, full of warm colors, rays of sun filtering through the trees, fallen leaves, wood scents and fruits of the nature. Now the photos I took will tell you everything :)

I remind you that if you want to advertise on my blog, you can find more info HEREMy Etsy and Luulla shops are open :)

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine. 
Please don't use without permission

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine. 
Please don't use without permission

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine. 
Please don't use without permission

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine. 
Please don't use without permission

Looking for chestnuts in an Autumnal wood

All photos in this post are mine. 
Please don't use without permission

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