Magazine Lifestyle

Loverless nights they seem so long

Creato il 06 maggio 2011 da Timelessismore
Loverless nights they seem so long
Total Black Look ( i miei preferiti ), protagonista questa volta la Cross Tee di Brandy&Melville!
-Vi auguro un piacevole fine settimana!-
♫  ♪  Hurts - Sunday   ♪ ♫
Total Black Look ( my favourites among all), this time with my new Cross Tee by Brandy&Melville!
-Wishing all of you a pleasent weekend!-
Loverless nights they seem so long
Loverless nights they seem so long
Loverless nights they seem so long
Loverless nights they seem so long
Loverless nights they seem so long
Brandy&Melville Cross TeeH&M Black ShortsASH WedgesChanel 2.55 Medium PurseHermès Bracelet
P.S. Mi scuso per la pessima qualità di queste foto ma la mia reflex mi è caduta per terra ed è in riparazione! Prometto che appena sarà pronta le foto torneranno ad essere le stesse di prima ;)
P.S. I'm so sorry for the bad quality of these pictures but my reflex camera fell me on the floor and it will be repaired in a few weeks, I hope. I promise you that by then there will be better photos on the blog! ;)

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