Are you looking for the original last-minute Christmas gift that doesn't cost so much? If you live in Rome, the new collection of necklaces and rings by Camilla Andreani is perfect for you. This is how this young Roman architect a little bit crazy describes the project Midori jewels : "I'm a fool who does the lady-in-waiting for a witch who sneaks into homes at night to steal household electrical appliances to break during the nights of the full moon, and in the morning I pick up the pieces and I make jewelry. They came up that way because that morning I was preparing a gigantic cake of gelatin, but the bucket tipped over the pieces .. voila .. MIDORI JEWELS " Recovery electrical components, beads, buttons, stones, old lego and become in the expert hands of Camilla little animals, robots and other gadgets embedded in the resin. The results are spectacular necklaces rings and bracelets funny and chic with a really low-cost price: 25 € for necklaces, 6 € for rings And plus have a look at the beautiful packaging! Brava Camilla! The open facebook group of Midori jewels for all the news is here, for info write to camilla.andreani Who does not live in Rome, do not despair: very soon on the site the ShopOnline!
Midori jewels: resin hand made by camilla andreani
Creato il 22 dicembre 2012 da Scostumista @scostumistaAre you looking for the original last-minute Christmas gift that doesn't cost so much? If you live in Rome, the new collection of necklaces and rings by Camilla Andreani is perfect for you. This is how this young Roman architect a little bit crazy describes the project Midori jewels : "I'm a fool who does the lady-in-waiting for a witch who sneaks into homes at night to steal household electrical appliances to break during the nights of the full moon, and in the morning I pick up the pieces and I make jewelry. They came up that way because that morning I was preparing a gigantic cake of gelatin, but the bucket tipped over the pieces .. voila .. MIDORI JEWELS " Recovery electrical components, beads, buttons, stones, old lego and become in the expert hands of Camilla little animals, robots and other gadgets embedded in the resin. The results are spectacular necklaces rings and bracelets funny and chic with a really low-cost price: 25 € for necklaces, 6 € for rings And plus have a look at the beautiful packaging! Brava Camilla! The open facebook group of Midori jewels for all the news is here, for info write to camilla.andreani Who does not live in Rome, do not despair: very soon on the site the ShopOnline!
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