Show middle finger to offend a person take offense to profanity. The fifth section establishes the Criminal Court of Cassation, upheld the conviction of a woman judge in Domodossola. The defendant had shown a fist with middle finger raised to her husband, which was in phase separation, meeting him in the car. The Supreme Court ruled inadmissible the action for the “voluntary offensive gesture.” The Supreme Court declared inadmissible the appeal against the verdict of the Women’s Justice of the Peace. Claudia M. (38 years) has attempted to argue that his gesture was not accompanied by any “sentence boundary” and could not offend her ex-husband Augustine Z. The Supreme Court ruled, however valid the words of the husband’s argument that the gestaccio of May 23, 2006 was preceded, on May 17, a verbal insult uttered by Claudia. Explains the Supreme Court that the two episodes, one verbal and gestural, express both, although with “how unequal” an “insult” to the integrity of the person to whom it is addressed. Claudia was then sentenced to a fine (whose size is unknown) and also to pay the costs. The woman must then pay a thousand euros to cash fines for doing justice to waste time.
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