- LIQUID FACIAL SOAP è il primo, dei tre, che dev'essere utilizzato per lavare il viso e rimuovere tutte le impurità dalla pelle.
- CLARIFYING LOTION è un tonico, per esfoliare la pelle e rimuovere le cellule morte dal viso.
- DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT MOISTURIZING LOTION è una crema per idratare la pelle in profondità.
The products I use daily each morning, before reaching the stage make-up, these are the Clinique, with which I am fine and I use a long time. These three products, each having a different function and should be applied in three well-defined steps.
- Liquid Facial Soap is the first of the three, which must be used to wash your face and remove all impurities from the skin.
- Clarifying Lotion is a tonic, to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells from your face.
- Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion is a cream to moisturize the skin deeply.

After these steps, which are used to prepare the skin for the best, step by step to make-up What I use at first is the foundation with minimal protection against UV rays, in my case is Chanel Vitalumière with protection 15 It has a creamy texture and light and I must say that is resistant to most of the day, with no oily film that is formed in the T-zone. It 'available for different skin types and in different colors With the foundation, are not always faithful, as there are never fully satisfied, but this has all the good conditions to be my best friend :)

After the foundation, through which I can correct that small imperfections in the face and create an uniform basis, up to a correction / brightening, in my case I speak of Touche Eclat by Yves Saint Laurent This of which I speak, has a brush "magic" and can be used to give light or hide the gray areas of the face and small imperfections. It is the only correction / brightening, I have ever used and I consider it one of the best If you search, however, a concealer that hides all the imperfections of the most complicated to manage, I recommend you do not buy it. Since its function is primarily to illuminate

Per dare un pò di colore e luce, soprattutto agli zigomi, uso un blush dall'effetto bonne mine naturale di Dior. In passato ho provato altri generi, tra blush e terre, ma il risultato di questo su di me, è quello che mi piace di più. Il colore che uso è Fruit de Passion n. 533 oppure Brun Canelle n. 639, il primo più rosato mentre il secondo è più sui toni rosa cipria/pesca.
To give some color and light, especially in the cheekbones, I use a blush by a bonne mine natural effect from Dior In the past I have tried other kinds, including land and blush, but the result of this on me, that's what I like best The color I use is Fruit de Passion N. 533 or Brun Canelle N. 639, the first is more rose while the second ones is more about powder pink / peach tones.

Once finished the various steps, which cover the face, I point on eyes Daily I use the usual black pencil, water-resistant (Crayon eyeliner by Christian Dior), then I fade it with the brush, to give an eye shadow effect If it comes to special days, instead, I like to make some changes, preferring, however, a trick "smokey eyes" from the dark tones Love the eyeliner, but do not like on me!

I mascara, li cambio spesso! Di recente sto usando questo della Lancome, Hypnose Doll Eyes. E'un prodotto che realmente divide le ciglia, le volumizza e le allunga con una brillantezza effetto nylon, proprio come le ciglia delle bambole. Devo dire di esserne rimasta molto soddisfatta! Valide alternative a questo, sono un pò tutti quelli della Dior, in particolare Diorshow e quello di Yves Saint Laurent, Effect Faux Cils. Quelli di cui, aihmè, non sono mai rimasta soddisfatta, sono quelli di Chanel. In genere, comunque, prediligo i mascara, che danno un effetto ciglia finte.
The mascara, I change them often! Recently I'm using this by Lancome, Hypnose Doll Eyes It is a product that really separates the lashes, and volumizes and stretch them with a brilliance nylon effect, just like the doll's eyelashes I have to say, of being very satisfied with it! Valid alternatives to this, those are some of Dior, in particular,Diorshow, and that of Yves Saint Laurent, Effect Faux Cils Those of which I have never been satisfied, are those of Chanel In general, however, prefer mascaras that give a false eyelash effect
Bene! Credo a questo punto di averli elencati tutti, anche se, mancano quelli per le labbra. Per quest'ultime, però, non ho un prodotto preferito, ma cambio e scelgo in base a quello che mi piace al momento. Un must- have, in fatto di rossetti, è quello rosso di Dior (linea Rouge Dior),inimitabile e seducente. Mentre per i gloss, preferisco i colori tenui.Spero vi sia piaciuto, questo post un pò diverso dal solito.Buona serata ragazzi!
Well! I think at this point to have them all listed, even if those are missing for the lips.For the latter, however, I don't have a favorite product, but I change and choose based on what I like at the time. A must-have when it comes to lipstick, is the red Dior (Dior Rouge line), unique and seductive. As for the gloss, I prefer light colors.I hope you enjoyed this post a little different than usual.Good evening guys!