Luisa in questo post è stata esaustiva sui locali, e ha segnalato alcuni di quelli in cui siamo state, (Kenmare il mio preferito, tutto musica inglese, ma anche il Jane è stupendo e la selezione musicale è molto varia) . Come vi ho detto,avere 21 anni sarebbe d'obbligo, ma se non siete maggiorenni con un paio di tacchi giusti e roba luccicosa addosso faranno degli strappi alla regola...
Here I am, still with the Ny posts, this one in particular is about our faboulous nightlife, one of the best things of Ny for sure. In this post Luisa makes a list of some of the clubs we have been to (my favourite was Kenmare, english music inside, but the Jane is good as well, with a nice music). As I told you, you should be at least 21 to get in the clubs, but with some sparkling and good heels they'll make an exception if you're not!
qui con le brasiliane e Mercedes per la serata karaoke (in cui non siamo entrate in quanto non tutte maggiorenni...)
here I am with the brasilian girls and Mercedes, ready for Karaoke night (we didn't get in though, not all of us were old enough)
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
al Mystique, ma il tassista ci ha depositate davanti a questo club, e noi fiduciose siamo entrate. Non era lo stesso club dove stava Paloma (ops)
Here at the West Village Gentlemen's Club. That night we were supposed to be at the Mystique, where our friend Paloma was waiting for us, but te taxi driver dropped us to this club, and we got in. It wasn't Paloma's club.
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
but it was super good! For sure the most alternative/underground club I've seen, the deejay was Harley Newton, one of my fav socialites! I was very happy, she played some nice music, mostly hip hop.
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
After a while, guess who got in? Kirsten Dunst! She was wearing a cotton dress,a leather bag and granny sandals. We felt a bit pity for her, she looked very shy and gawky! She couldn't dance at all. Nobody even noticed her
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
io e Luisa al party di Flatt Magazine sul tetto del The Jimmy Hotel, invitata da Mr Duncan Quinn
( )
Luisa and me on the Jimmy Hotel rooftop, for the Flatt Magazine's party. I was invited by Mr Duncan Quinn
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
Betsey Johnson was there, she jumped all dressed into the pool
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
Another club: The Box. Everybody would tell me to go to this club, "my god it's so nice, they do some crazy show there, you have to go...". I asked my friend in Ny about it and he told me it's an Eurotrash club, but I went anyway, since it's the place where Blair strips for Chuck (GG stuff, understand me)
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
Il locale è molto bello, un teatro in miniatura, ma decisamente troppo pieno, e nessun newyorkese all'appello. Ogni mezz'oretta circa (di musica taurissima), il sipario si apre e c'è qualche spettacolo
The club it's infact very nice, a small theatre, but too crowded, and no newyorkers inside. Every half hour there's a different show on stage
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
qualcuno vestito da mano che balla...
somebody dancing in a hand costume...
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
a nice girl doing tricks with ropes...
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
fino a che non è arrivato un transessuale, che si è spogliato nudo, ha tirato fuori un dildo gigante... insomma, meglio non continuare. Io sono corsa via dalla prima fila, mentre Luisa cercava di mantenere l'aplomb sugli scalini proprio sotto di lui! Hahaha (rido ora ma eravamo piuttosto schifate)
until a transsexual came, he got naked, he pulled out a giant dildo... well, better not to continue. I ran away from the first line, while Luisa was trying to stay calm on the stairs right in front of him! Hahaha (I'm laughing now, but we were quite disgusted)
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
![Nightlife in New York Nightlife in New York](
con Paloma e le spagnole (come vedete non avevo più tanta voglia di ridere)
Comunque, ho tenuto (quasi) fede alla mia promessa di uscire tutte le sere, e posso dire con sincerità di essermela spassata alla grande. Ci sono troppi club in Ny!!
Anyway, I kept my promise to go out (almost) every night, and I can honestly say I had tons of fun. There are too many clubs to be seen in New York!!