Magazine Italiani nel Mondo

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

Creato il 05 luglio 2012 da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio
Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast
Eccoci giunti alla seconda tappa del nostro viaggio attraverso il Nord della Spagna, verso Porto. La prima tappa era a Santillana e oggi invece ci fermeremo nella piccola Santander, alla Colegiata Castañeda, fino alla costa mozzafiato di Comillas!

At least, the second step of our journey through Northern Spain to Porto. The first step was to Santillana and today, instead we will stop in the small Santander, the Collegiate Castañeda to the coast of Comillas breathtaking!

Let's go!

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Santander, Cantabria, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: july 2011

Lasciando Santillana siamo passati a Santander per dirigerci poi verso la costa. Santander è un luogo nel quale trascorrere non più di mezzo pomeriggio. Se siete comunque di passaggio, vi consiglio però di visitare la bella cattedrale e, approfittando dell'occasione, di porgere  il vostro omaggio allo scrittore di fine ottocento Marcellino Menendez Pelayo. La sua casa, ritratta nella foto qui sopra, è stata oggi trasformata in museo.
Leaving Santillana we went to Santander and then we head towards the coast. Santander has a place in which I suggest to spend no more than half afternoon. Anyway, if you are passing through there, I recommend you to visit the beautiful cathedral and took the opportunity, to offer your homage to the late nineteenth century writer Marcelino Menendez Pelayo His house, that you can see in the picture above, has now been transformed into a museum.

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Santander, Cantabria, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: july 2011

Dopo questa pausa, attraverso la bella campagna interna, siamo giunti a Castañeda, posto stupendo dove sorge una bellissima Colegiata romanica, parte del Cammino di Santiago.Anche qui sono possibili simpatici incontri ... :)
After this break, through the beautiful inland countryside, we arrived in Castañeda, a beautiful place where there is an outstanding Romanesque Collegiate Church, part of the Camino de Santiago.
Even the you'll be able to have nice meetings ... :)

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Colegiata de Castañeda, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: july 2011

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Colegiata de Castañeda, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: july 2011

Ed ecco la nostra squadra quasi al completo:
And here is our team almost complete:

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Llanes, Spain
period: july 2011

Dopo Castañeda, siamo finalmente giunti a Comillas, ormai nelle ore prossime al tramonto.
Magnifiche le coste e gli ampi spazi. Ci siamo concessi un momento per fare qualche foto, per poi dirigergi nel centro del piccolo paese, dove abbiamo trovato ottimi ristoranti per rifocillarci mangiando pesce a volontà!
After Castañeda, we finally arrived at Comillas, in the hours close at sunset.
There was magnificent coastlines and wide open spaces. We allowed a moment to take some pictures, and then we went to the center of the village, where we found great restaurants for refreshment by eating fish at will!

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Comillas, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: July 2011

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Comillas, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: July 2011

Affacciato sul mare, si trova anche il suggestivo Cementerio (il cimitero) con la scultura dell'Angelo sterminatore che domina i resti della antica chiesa gotica, Iglesia de San Cristobal.

Facing the sea, there is also the suggestive
Cementerio (cemetery) with the sculpture of Exterminating Angel overlooking the ruins of the ancient Gothic church, Iglesia de San Cristobal.

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Comillas, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: July 2011

Northern Spain on the road: step 2 - Santander, Castañeda and Comillas's coast

location: Comillas, Spain
photograph: Giacomo
period: July 2011

Ed eccoci giunti al termine di questa seconda tappa del nostro viaggio on the road!
Spero vi sia piaciuto e che abbiate voglia di seguire la prossima!
Siccome recuperare fotografie e informazioni della scorsa estate richiede un po' di tempo (e anche per non annoiarvi troppo!), l'itinerario sarà intervallato da altri post come sempre circa viaggi, cucina e fotografia!
A presto!
C. e G.
Here we are at the end of this second stage of our on the road journey!
I hope you enjoyed tha post and that you'll like to follow the next!
Since retrieving photographs and information from last summer requires time (and also not to bore you too much!), our tour will be interspersed with other posts as always about travel, cooking and photography!
See you soon!
C. and G.


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