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old-glass wedding centerpieces

Creato il 25 giugno 2013 da Ungiornodifesta

Forse avrete capito quanto adoro tutto ciò che si recupera, che si riporta a nuova vita...
carta, stoffa, legno, plastica, vetro!!!Senza investire grandi capitali, con gusto e tanta fantasia, spinti anche dalla voglia di creare con le proprie mani, ogni oggetto dimenticato può essere riadattato, magari riproponendolo in una nuova veste o con una nuova utilità.Il progetto di oggi è un invito a realizzare dei centro tavola "rispolverando" le vecchie bottiglie di vetro: quelle della birra e delle medicine, i barattoli della marmellata e i vasi delle conserve.Mai come in queste foto, vi renderete conto che niente va buttato anzi, prima o poi ogni cosa torna utile, anche gli oggetti dimenticati, rovinati e fuori moda!!!
Maybe you have realized how much I love everything that is recovered, which can be brought back to a new life ...
paper, cloth, wood, plastic, glass!
Without investing large amounts of capital, with taste and imagination, also motivated by the desire to create with our own hands, each forgotten item could be converted.
Today's project consist on realizing centre-pieces "dusting off" the old glass bottles:  beer and medicines bottles, jam and conserve jars. will realize that nothing should be thrown rather, sooner or later everything is useful, even forgotten, damaged and out of fashion items!

old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpiecesold-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
old-glass wedding centerpieces
photo by pinterest and style me pretty

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