Un accessorio che ho da poco riscoperto ma che indosso molto spesso nella vita quotidiana sono le bretelle, le trovo carine e vezzose e poi, per una timida come me, sono l'accessorio ideale con cui giocherellare durante la giornata e scaricare un pò di tensione..
Quando ho scattato queste foto c'era una splendida giornata di sole ma un vento così forte che non riuscivo a tenere gli occhi aperti quindi mi scuso in anticipo per le facce strane che vedrete.. Ma in fondo, è l'outfit quello che conta!!
Che ne pensate?? Aspetto come sempre i vostri commenti!
Sometimes I like to go back to being a child or perhaps, I never ceased to be !! I still have a certain attraction for everything that reminds me of my childhood but in front of a sweatshirt depicting Mickey Mouse as you can say no ?? Even if you do not think I've combined so too boyish, rather, the black leather jacket and the boots gave it a plus!
An accessory that I have recently rediscovered but I wear very often in everyday life are the braces, I find them cute and flirty and then, for a timid like me, are the perfect accessory with which to fiddle during the day and download a bit of tension ..
When I took these pictures there was a beautiful sunny day but a wind so strong that I could not keep my eyes open so I apologize in advance to the strange faces that you see .. But in the end, is the outfit that counts !!
What do you think ?? I appearance as always your comments!

Jeans Fornarina Botton up
Giacca di Pelle/Leather Jacket Combipel
Stivali/Boots: Buffalo
Orologio/Watch: Gufo Italy
Felpa/Sweatshirt: Mango
Borsa/Bag: Mario Bianchini
Scaldacollo/Scarf: Imperial