Magazine Lifestyle

Pics from my birthday!

Creato il 26 luglio 2012 da Plusg
Oh yes, July is the month of my birthday! This year is particularly important because it was the year of 30 .. Abandoned the carefree of the twenties, I place the wisdom of thirty! I begin by saying that I do not feel them at all, indeed I often feel half .. Tennager inside! :-)To celebrate I decided to invite all the people that have been part of my 30 years of life, from school friends to the people who attend today .. It 'was a really nice party, I always had a smile and thank you all for giving me an unforgettable evening!! I leave you to view the pictures!
Eh si, luglio è anche il mese del mio compleanno! Quest'anno particolarmente importante perchè è stato l'anno dei 30.. Abbandonata la spensieratezza dei vent'anni, faccio posto alla saggezza dei trenta! Incomincio con il dire che non me li sento minimamente, anzi spesso me ne sento la metà.. Tennager inside!! :-)Per festeggiare ho deciso di invitare tutti colore che hanno fatto parte dei miei 30 anni di vita, dai compagni di liceo alle persone che frequento oggi.. E' stata una festa davvero bella, avevo sempre il sorriso stampato e ringrazio tutti per avermi regalato una serata indimenticabile!!!! Vi lascio alla visione delle foto!

Pics from my birthday!

Birthday cake

Pics from my birthday!

Me & Andrea Lacry

Pics from my birthday!

Me and Chiara

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Me and Max

Pics from my birthday!

Ma & Neno

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Me, Alberto & Max

Pics from my birthday!

Me & Sonia

Pics from my birthday!

Me, Ale & Dani

Pics from my birthday!

Me & Monica

Pics from my birthday!

Me and Barbara

Pics from my birthday!

Me, Max, Cry & Roberto

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Me, Angela, Elisa & Franz

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

Pics from my birthday!

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