Piaccia o non piaccia, Pinterest sta lasciando un segno.
Tanto forte che persino una delle più prestigiose gallerie d'arte, la Saatchi Gallery a Londra, ha deciso di farne una propria versione. Pictify. Che anche come look and feel, ricorda molto Pinterest.
Allego la loro comunicazione. E se non avete mai visto la Saatchi Gallery, andateci quando ne avete l'occasione. merita. Ed è gratis :-) pardon, free, gift economy. Come gli altri musei di Londra, peraltro...
We are very excited about a new website launching in beta this week called PICTIFY -www.pictify.com.
The site is for everyone who loves art and wants to share their favourite works with others. You can now become a PICTIFY member and upload your favourite paintings, photographs, sculptures, drawings – and any other art you love. Through PICTIFY galleries and museums will also be sharing works in their exhibitions and collections. The PICTIFY team invited us and some other galleries to upload during its development phase to upload works from our shows, which we’ve done, and we are also previewing our upcoming photography show Out of Focus on PICTIFY which opens on 25 April. We promised the PICTIFY team that we’d help spread the word about this great new opportunity to share art with a global audience. Invited members have already created albums in their preferred categories. Do take a look: http://pictify.com/user/tfisher/. We hope you’ll like it as much as we do and that you’ll be one of the first to use PICTIFY during its opening week.[Branding & Marketing Blog / Venturini]