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Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...

Da Thinkshabby @ThinkShabby

Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Eccoci con il nostro appuntamento settimanale,  oggi vi lascio con qualche ispirazione per la camera da letto. Secondo me deve essere confortevole, intima, elegante ma non troppo, insomma deve essere invitante come un rifugio... .... ..queste immagini esprimono tutto questo...!!! Here we are with our weekly,  now I leave you with some inspiration for the bedroom. For me  must be comfortable, intimate, elegant but not too short  to be attractive as a haven ... ..... these pictures express this ...!!!
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...           Shabby Chic on Friday

Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Casa Shabby Chic

Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
La Gatta sul tetto
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Think Shabby
Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
Victorian age

Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...
So beautiful things

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Shabby Chic On Friday: Cosy bedroom...

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