My old man's manuscript: he said there's only two ways an old lady makes it. Either you tell them everything, or you tell them nothing.
3x09 - Turas
1. Scala And Kolacny Brothers - "Our Last Fight"
2. We Were Promised Jetpacks - "An Almighty Thud"
3. Romany Rye - "Old Soul"
4. Flatfoot 56 - "We Grow Stronger"
5. Blacklist Royals - "Church Bells Are Ringing"
6. Methods Of Mayhem - "Fight Song"
7. Paul Brady - "Living The Mystery"
8. White Buffalo - "Sweet Hereafter"
3x10 - Firinne
9. The Tossers - "A Night On Earth"
10.CRUD - "Devil At The Wheel"
11. Ruby Friedman Orchestra - "Drowned"
12. Kim Ferron and The Forest Rangers - "Shadows And Dreams"
13. The Beat Up - "Messed Up"
14. Paul Brady & The Emerald Forest Rangers - “Have Mercy On Us”
Artwork: https://picasaweb.google.com/101210325248622317935/SOA34?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Album Mp3:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/1t2lpztj23fecrh/SOA - 3-4.zip