Le sue stampe colorate, il suo modo di accostare Occidente ed Africa mi ha entusiasmata da subito.
Il suo grande estro e talento ha portato il grande Giorgio Armani, re dell'eleganza made in Italy a sceglierla per sfilare nel suo teatro durante la Fashion Week Milanese.
Una collezione che riprende quella presentata a Roma durante l'Ethical Fashion, ricca di contaminazioni di e stoffe acquistate durante un viaggio in Burkina Faso.
As you know I love Star Jeans, I find talented and full of creativity, big news in the international fashion scene.
Its colorful prints, his way of approaching and West Africa I was immediately excited.
His great creativity and talent brought the great Giorgio Armani, king of elegance made in Italy to choose it for parading in his theater during the Milan Fashion Week.
A collection that reflects the one presented in Rome during the Ethical Fashion, full of contamination and fabrics purchased during a trip to Burkina Faso.
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