The tartan pattern back forcefully on the scene between the fabrics for the winter Launched in the Victorian era and the environment associated with the aristocracy and the Anglo-Saxon army, in the late seventies, is retrieved from the punk fashion that plays in reverse: the tartan as a social protest For this season, this print is not just a punk fashion, but couture, it is also on evening dresses, sheath dresses and capes, and not only, as well as the classic red and black, tartan is tinged with new approaches such as fuchsia, blue or yellow
The tartan pattern back forcefully on the scene between the fabrics for the winter Launched in the Victorian era and the environment associated with the aristocracy and the Anglo-Saxon army, in the late seventies, is retrieved from the punk fashion that plays in reverse: the tartan as a social protest For this season, this print is not just a punk fashion, but couture, it is also on evening dresses, sheath dresses and capes, and not only, as well as the classic red and black, tartan is tinged with new approaches such as fuchsia, blue or yellow
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