Magazine Lifestyle
Vi metto le foto dei prodotti che potete vedere se vi collegate al sito scegliendo non Italia ma un'altra nazione...
Yes, output is the new Versace Spring-Summer collection for H & M
But! But because there is a!
It will not be distributed in Italy, but
Only in countries where you have activated the e-commerce
Italian and we we will have to settle for one collection Marni
that I had already anticipated a long time ago and you can find here ...
No, but I know if this is a bad luck or good fortune
maybe for those who have different tastes from mine is a misfortune, to be honest
Heads of seeing this collection I do not like at all!
Flowers, butterflies, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries, are not just for me!
What he had in mind when he designed Antonella Versace
this collection!?!? Bho, honestly I can not
beyond me, ok it's spring but there is an excess of
repetitions, the press ok liked so much but make a collection
imprinted on a print "quite peculiar" is a great risk ...
We'll see how sales go, but I will be down
compared to the autumn / winter collection which was very nice,
with several interesting items in this outfit apart from a monochromatic blue
I can not see!
We put pictures of the products that you can see if you connect
Italy but not to the website by selecting another country ...
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