![[CONTEST] Win 30€ to spend on Asos with Pinspire [CONTEST] Win 30€ to spend on Asos with Pinspire](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/127/1277243/contest-win-30-to-spend-on-asos-with-pinspire-L-uUAYHZ.png)
Da oggi Once Upon a Time in collaborazione con Pinspire vi regalano un buono di 30€ da spendere su Asos.it! Come? Seguite questi semplici passaggi:
- Diventate fan della mia pagina facebook
- Diventate fan della pagina facebook di Pinspire Italia
- Registratevi su Pinspire.it e create una cartella dal titolo “Sulla spiaggia” con almeno 5 foto di cose che non possono mancare in Spiaggia
Avete tempo fino al 23 Luglio! Il vincitore sarà colui che, secondo me, avrà creato l’album più bello! (: In bocca al lupo a tutti!!
Do you know Pinspire? It's a site where you can share your photos with the rest of the community. Once registered it is difficult not to be inspired by the multitude of stunning images grouped by topic and tags. For fashion lovers it is a great place to share your "pin" and take a cue from other members' ones! I'm obviously registered, you can find my profile here! From today's Once Upon a Time in collaboration with Pinspire give you a €30 voucher to spend at Asos.it! How? Follow these simple steps:
- Become a fan of my facebook page
- Become a fan of the facebook page of Pinspire Italy
- Register on Pinspire.it and create a folder titled "Sulla spiaggia" with at least 5 photos of things you must have on the Beach
You have until July 23! The winner is who, in my opinion, will have created the most beautiful album! (: Good luck to all! PS per “pinnare” una foto su pinspire dovete aggiungere il bottone “Pin It” ai vostri bookmarks! Di seguito le istruzioni! :D PS to "pin" an image on pinspire you should add the button "Pin It" to your bookmarks! Here are the instructions! :D
![[CONTEST] Win 30€ to spend on Asos with Pinspire [CONTEST] Win 30€ to spend on Asos with Pinspire](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/127/1277243/contest-win-30-to-spend-on-asos-with-pinspire-L-5hXVNI.png)
![[CONTEST] Win 30€ to spend on Asos with Pinspire Eleonora](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/127/1277243/contest-win-30-to-spend-on-asos-with-pinspire-L-HlKwnP.jpeg)