Magazine Lifestyle

Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting

Creato il 13 giugno 2012 da Simonavenus @SimonaVenus
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Domenica 10 GiugnoBari (Italy) . “Crazy for JS”,
è quello che si direbbe guardando il nostro guardaroba, ed effettivamente non sarebbe del tutto errato! Conosciuto personalmente a NYC in occasione della Fashion Week, rappresenta il designer POP per eccellenza, ironico e provocatore, eccessivo , ma in maniera giocosa e amato da tutte le Pop star (da Rihanna a Katy Perry) l’americano Jeremy Scott ha fatto breccia anche nei nostri cuori, portandoci a realizzare uno shooting fotografico come tributo al suo estro e alle sue collezioni!Uno staff Super affiatato composto da Me, Federica PascazioMarco Rich, Satoshi Klein e Hiroshi Tanabe.Vi mostriamo in anteprima le foto del back stage e presto le foto ufficiali
Sunday, June 10 - Bari (Italy). "Crazy for JS", is all that  seems if you looking at our wardrobe, and in fact would not be totally wrong! Met in NYC during Fashion Week, he represents the POP designer for excellence, ironic and provocative, extreme but playful, and beloved by all the pop stars (from Rihanna to Katy Perry)The American Jeremy Scott  has also made ​​inroads into our hearts, and for this , we have decide to make a photo shoot as a tribute to his talent and his collections! Super close-knit staff consists of Me, Federica Pascazio, Marco RichSatoshi Klein e Hiroshi TanabeWe show you preview photos of the back stage and soon the official photos

Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting

Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute ShootingCrazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute ShootingOUTFITCrazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting BREAK
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting
Crazy for Jeremy Scott - Backstage : Tribute Shooting

PH : H>S Photography BY Hiroshi Tanabe
HAIR AND MAKE UP Class Salon Education Style di Salvatore Catalano
MODELS : MeFederica PascazioMarco RichSatoshi Klein

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