100 gr Farina 00 100 gr Farina di Grano Saraceno 400 ml Latte tiepido 1 Uovo 1 cucchiaino (5 g.) Lievito 1/2 cucchiaino di Sale 2 cucchiai di Zucchero 50 gr Burro Burro per la teglia
Mettere il sale in una ciotola, setacciarvi sopra le farina e versarvi il latte tiepido zuccherato e il burro fusi mescolando con una frusta. Aggiungere l'uovo continuando a mescolare fino ad ottenere una pastella liscia e omogenea. Coprire con pellicola da cucina e lasciar riposare 10 minuti. Nel frattempo scaldare bene la piastra. Procedere alla cottura: abbassare il fuoco, ungere la piastra pennellando con il burro ogni cavità e versarvi un mestolino di pastella, fino a riempirle per tre quarti. Cuocere le crepes fino a che non risultino appena rapprese al centro, girarle delicatamente e attendere che anche l'altro lato sia dorato. Disporle su un piatto e cospargerle generosamente di zucchero a velo e marmellata…ok d’accordo questa è una versione decisamente dietetica :P…sarò sincera ho usato marmellata di lamponi perchè era più fotogenica rispetto a quella cosina marrone :D…quindi riprendo dal punto giusto… Disporle su un piatto e cospargere le crepes con abbondate Nutella!!!!!!Perchè quando sono ancora calde non c’è davvero nulla che ci stai così bene!!!! Adesso ditemi chi è che non si lecca già le dita???!!!

Directly from the Netherlands: poffertjes
I found out this delicatessen some years ago at the international market which is held every third Sunday of October in Arezzo...after a healthy meal chosen from the many specialties offered, this’s the set dessert that is completing the evening. What makes these mini pancakes even better is that they are typical from the Netherlands and who knows me is aware about my love for this country (but this is another story, I could spend hours talking about it...maybe I’ll write a post about it;) )...back to us...it can be more complicated to find the cast iron skillet, this comes from a lovely Dutch shop in Florence, The Flying Dutchman, where you can find many specialties and the owner is very helpful and willing to meet all your questions and curiosity. So, let's get to work because they are really good...and beware people around you...because pancakes’re so small and quickly disappearing! ;)
100 g Flour 00 100 g Buckwheat Flour 400 ml Milk lukewarm 1 Egg 1 teaspoon (5 grams) Yeast 1/2 teaspoon Salt 2 tablespoons Sugar 50 g Butter Butter for baking dish
Put the salt in a bowl, sift flour and pour over the warm milk sweetened, melted butter, stirring with a whisk. Add the egg, stirring constantly until a smooth batter and smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the plate well. Continue to cook: lower the heat, grease with butter plate brushing each well and pour a ladle of batter to fill up to three quarters. Cook the pancakes until they prove just curdled in the middle, turn them gently and wait for the other side is golden. Arrange on a serving dish and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar and jam along…ok...this is definitely a light version☺...I'll be honest I used raspberry jam because it was more photogenic than the brown little thing :D...so I take from the right point ... Arrange on a platter and sprinkle with plenty of Nutella!!!!!! Because when pancakes are hot nothing like Nutella it’s so perfect!!
Now tell me who is not already licking fingers???!!!

Inviato il 03 novembre a 14:46