Exclusive Grand Hotel Villa Balbi accomodation
Who follow me on social network Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were able to admire spectacular pictures of Sestri Levante but also the exclusive residence that hosted me: Grand Hotel Villa Balbi.Several times it's happened to advise an accommodation to my clients appropriate to their needs; often happens that after shopping sessions some people require me seaside places near Milan to spend the weekend and I recommend with pleaure Liguria: a real paradise where it’s possible admire colors and taste flavors .Grand Hotel Villa Balbi overlooking the enchanting Tigullio’s gulf and it is near of ‘caruggi’: typical narrow streets Ligurian where you can do shopping. The hotel, aristocratic Villa of '600 is immersed in a private park with centuries-old vegetation.

L'Hotel, aristocratica Villa del ‘600 è immerso in un parco privato dalla vegetazione secolare. Nel 1947 il Palazzo appartenente alla nobile famiglia Balbi si e' trasformato in un elegante e lussuoso albergo.Gli interni colpiscono per la raffinatezza ed il pregio dei pezzi d'antiquariato come: mobili antichi, arazzi, marmi preziosi affreschi e sculture, Palazzo Balbi una volta dimora di aristocratici oggi vanta di ospitare personaggi importanti ma non solo, tutti coloro che vogliono godere di grande tranquillità attraverso un servizio professionale; la piscina e l'ingresso sulla spiaggia privata rendono il posto ideale per un soggiorno indimenticabile.
The hotel, aristocratic Villa of '600 is immersed in a private park with centuries-old vegetation. In 1947 the Palace belonging to the noble family Balbi was transformed into an elegant and luxurious hotel.The interiors are distinguished for refinement and value of antiques such as: antique furniture, tapestries, frescoes and precious marble’s sculptures.Palazzo Balbi was a long time ago home of aristocrats, today is usual host important characters but not only, those who want to enjoy great peace of mind through a professional service; the pool and the entrance to the private beach makes it the ideal place for an unforgettable stay.

Per augurare il benvenuto lo staff all'arrivo in camera ha offerto un delizioso cesto di frutta, la suite in cui ho soggiornato offriva un panorama da sogno, lo scenario del luogo e la cortesia del personale hanno reso il weekend indimenticabileThe hotel’s staff to wish welcome with a delicious fruit basket, i stayed in a suite that offered a unique landscape and scenery of the place and the friendly staff made the weekend unforgettable

Grand Hotel Villa Balbi a Sestri Levante sarà inserito nella mia agenda di lavoro dove solitamente appunto indirizzi e luoghi che mi colpiscono, lo consiglierò certamente a coloro che vogliono trascorrere un esclusivo soggiorno di mare ma anche di cultura e di shopping.
Grand Hotel Villa Balbi in Sestri Levante will be inserted into my job's notebook where usually precisely addresses and places that impress me much, certainly it will be recommending by me to those who want to spend an exclusive beach holiday but also of culture and shoppingFor more information see:www.villabalbi.it