Let’s have a deeper look:
Overcoats: they should be tight in the waistline with a belt or less, with padded shoulders for those that are very little (the main feature of the Triangle Woman); avoid the plain ones; maybe you would be in need of a size 40 upward and a size 48 downward. The colours to choose are possibly dark, but it’s not compulsory; the fantasies I recommend, should be small weave. The trench is perfect, but ensure it is really hugging: if a fabric “grows up” in the kidneys, you’ll sure is unfit for you. The short jackets must cover half of the hip and hug the waist; even for the down jackets, it’s better to avoid the shorter ones, such as bombers and choose warm fabrics but not the thick ones; better to spend something more and avoid to be hug like a salami. Poncho has come back into fashion, but it’s a particular item to dress: the shorter ones, also called mantels, since they stand shortly under the breast, are very good even for the Triangle Woman, bright coloured: they get the thorax wide, without hiding the waistline. On the contrary, the longer ones, used as jackets, should be avoided, because they hide the waistline, making us be all in one with hips and, therefore, fatter than we really are.

Dresses: the clothes are very good for the Triangle Woman; I suggest you to dress very frequently the model which is the best for you. All the clothes tight in the waistline and soft in the hips will be perfect for you, even better with a flared skirt; the perfect model is 50es. Avoid all the tight ones, unless they are slightly flared (price in Zara shop: 45€). The good length is at the knee, longer only for high girls and shorter only with dark covering stocks, since we have to thin our legs that are our weak point. You can choose any kind of colour, avoiding the lozenge fantasy and the horizontal lines from the waistline downward.

Trousers: trousers can be a great ally or an enemy and, to be sincere, it‘s necessary to test a lot of models, before they could be considered an ally for us. The perfect model must have the following features: first of all, it must be made up of a resistant fabric to shape and restrain the figure, be high waist or at least it should not be low waist, in order to wrap also the love handles; third, it must not be adherent from the knee downward. The tight models, the palazzo pants (for tall women) or the slight bell bottom pants, adherent till the knee and restraining the tights, by balancing the volume with the hips, are good. Another trick: if possible, choose the trousers with pockets in the back, perfect to distract the attention from the defects. The colours should be dark and not flashy, such as black, grey, blue, green, brown, in order to minimize the legs without emphasizing them. The beige and white coloured trousers must be avoided; to be sincere, few women can use white trousers, because she should be not just thin but also slender and toned. If your relationship with trousers is hard, it’s even worse with shorts: I suggest you to avoid them, unless you use them for trekking or tourism in a town. Choose the tight model, not adherent and till three quarters of the tight. Avoid the Bermuda shorts and pedal pushers: you have understood why.

Skirts: Skirts are our main allies with clothes; we have to learn only how to choose the right model. The only skirt I advise against a Triangle Woman is the hobble skirt because it creates disproportion and is vulgar in a curvy hip. Choose the high waist flared skirts to emphasize the wasp waist, hiding the knees: no one will realize if you got fat. Even the miniskirts and the bubble skirt are good, unless they emphasize the bottom; when you test them, they should go down tightly, without hugging your bottom and the bubble must be equal in both sides, not stretching. The ¾ length skirts or the long ones are good only if you are tall, otherwise avoid them, because the silhouette would be trimmed and your hips will seem wider. The low waist models are not forbidden but they must fit to you; remember that you must cover the love handles! Even in this case, choose the dark colours, but without the same rigour we have used for trousers, trying to choose bright colours o brighter colours in the bust instead of matching a bright skirt with a dark t-shirt.

Sweaters and T-shirt: you can be proud of your body from the waist upward; it is thin even if your trousers are small and well balanced. It must be emphasized with adherent items, bright coloured or vivid ones. It’s important not to hug it in long or extra large sweaters that have difficult to slide in the hips, due to the disproportion of the thorax and bottom sizes. Apart from that, you are free to chose: fantasies are also good, above all the horizontal lines, that widens the upper part. Avoid also the long sweaters, above all if they are adherent and hide the waistline; the buttoned cardigans are also good, but in a neutral colour, such as grey for the models under the bottom. In this case, it’s better to wear it with a dress, instead of a trouser.

Leggings and Stocks: leggings, jeggings and all the similar items are not recommended because, due to a shapely thighs, they decrease the silhouette by emphasizing the disproportion between the bottom and the ankle, above all if they are on the calf. I recommend the stocks, above all the darkest ones, even with lines or vertical patterns; the horizontal lines, the strange fantasies or the lozenge fantasies are forbidden, because they emphasize the legs that, therefore, would seem wider. Avoid also the trousers inside the boots: if you belong to this kind of silhouette, probably your calf will not be thin and the trouser inside the boot would be like a legging. Moreover, the thigh highs are not good for us, because they emphasize the legs, by decreasing them. A practical advice: if you have to choose between hold up stocks and a suspender belt with the stocks, choose the latter. Your thigh will not be hug like the hold up stocks can do, and the suspender ‘s retro fashion is unique.

Shoes: every heel will lengthen your figure, by minimizing the difference between shoulders and hips. Avoid the low boots that interrupt the leg on the ankle and choose high boots (but only under the knee) and the décolleté shoes. The pumps decrease your height but it’s impossible to walk on a 12 cm heeled shoes permanently!

Access the potentiality of our B side. Probably, it will be not flat, being one of the favourite areas where the fats are stored but it’s beautiful, outward and prominent. Instead of decreasing it with diets (remember that it cannot be decreased a lot, because the bones of your hip can not be filed), try to shape it with gym, going up the stairs, walking and with heeled shoes: hug in a high waist trouser, it will make its impression. Don’t be disheartened: the models for you are somewhere outside, like your kindred spirit. Don’t give up searching because it’s not fashionable; when you’re not expected to find them, they will find you, maybe in Berlin or in a Chinese shop under your office.
And don’t forget that Jennifer Lopez is a Triangle Shaped Woman, just like us.
Per la traduzione devo ringraziare Cristina, una traduttrice legale e non che potete contattare all'indirizzo [email protected].