Magazine Cultura

Low Anthem - Oh my God, Charlie Darwin (2008, Nonesuch)

Creato il 12 dicembre 2011 da Lullabier
Low Anthem - Oh my God, Charlie Darwin (2008, Nonesuch)(ITA) Dopo due album autoprodotti in tiratura limitata, la band newyorkese si presenta al grande pubblico con un concept album di country poetico e rarefatto. Protagoniste assolute sono le melodie vocali supportate da una chitarra acustica minimale (Charlie Darwin, To Ohio, Cage the songbird), impreziosite da scarni arrangiamenti mai invasivi eppure incredibilmente evocativi. L'ombra di Neil Young aleggia sulle ballate elettriche più energiche (Horizon is a beltway, Champion angel), che completano un'opera quasi perfetta.

(ENG) After two self-released albums in limited edition, the band from New York appears in public with a concept album of rarefied and poetic country. Stars of the show are the vocal melodies backed by a minimalist acoustic guitar (Charlie Darwin, To Ohio, Cage the songbird), embellished by skinny arrangements never intrusive yet incredibly evocative. The Neil Young's shadow hovers over most energetic power ballads (Horizon Is A Beltway, Champion Angel), completing an almost perfect opera.

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