Magazine Arte
Mark Jenkins is an internationally acclaimed American artist and one of the most unique mixed media sculptors working today. His enigmatic brand of hyper realistic conceptualism is playful, innovative and thought-provoking, making him a very important figure in the history of contemporary sculpture and installation art. By placing his works in institutional, urban and environmental settings, he brings cities, landscapes and interiors to life in a new way, transforming the ordinary into the unexpected. Jenkins’ process involves dry-casting everything from fire hydrants and toy ducks to baby dolls and people, often himself or his assistants, with box sealing tape, the latter often dressed to appear scarily life-like. When placed outside or slipped indoors, announced or otherwise, these sculptures have the ability to both camouflage into their surroundings and elicit spectacular amounts of attention from viewers. Jenkins has exhibited his work in solo and group exhibitions in galleries, museums, festivals, art fairs and other cultural institutions throughout the world, including Los Angeles, New York, Belgrade, Vienna, Washington D.C., London, Barcelona, Malmo, Moscow, Tokyo and Seoul. Whether indoors or out, his work engages its viewers and provokes a complex examination of self and surroundings.
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