A stunning Penelope Cruz featured in the May 2012 issue of Harper’s Bazaar magazine in couture dresses photographed by Terry Richardson and styled by Andrew Richardson. Wearing in order of appearance: Versace, Givenchy,Chanel,Armani. I would like to see her in a Dolce&Gabbana dress, hoping for a Dolce couture soon...This is Penelope.
UnasplendidaPenelopeCruz per il numero dimaggio 2012 della rivistaHarperBazaarinabiti couturefotografata da Terry Richardsonestylingdi AndrewRichardsonIndossarein ordine di apparizione:Versace,Givenchy, Chanel,Armani Vorrei solo vederla inun abitoDolce &Gabbana, sperandoin una Dolce couture presto... Questa èPenelope