Magazine Lifestyle

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo

Creato il 04 febbraio 2012 da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio
Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseolocation: Milano, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: february 2012

Come vi dicevo in questi giorni, Milano è ricoperta da un leggero velo di neve. E siccome sto studiando molto per gli esami e non ho tanto tempo da dedicare ad altro, ne approfitto ed esco di casa con la reflex anche quando vado solo a fare la spesa.
Giovedì mi trovavo in zona Concicliazione, una delle più belle ed eleganti di Milano, e mi sono fermata in Piazza Tommaseo a fare qualche foto, verso l'ora di cena. La zona era quasi deserta e gli alberi quasi senza foglie conquistano sempre il mio sguardo. Cliccate su read more per vedere tutte le foto.
As I said during these days, Milan is covered with a light blanket of snow. And since I'm studying a lot for university exams and I don't have much time to devote to something else, any opportunity is ok to go out (when I have to go) with the camera: even if I've just to go to the supermarket.
Thursday I was in
Concicliazione area, one of the most beautiful and elegant district in Milan, and I stopped in Piazza Tommaseo to take some pictures, at the dinner hour. The area was almost deserted and almost leafless trees always win my eye. Click on read more to see all pictures.

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseolocation: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseolocation: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italyphotograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012Le biciclette sotto la neve sono irresistibili: un tocco di colore in mezzo al bianco-e-nero naturale. Poi si sa che le "serie" di oggetti sono molto fotogeniche....
Bikes in the snow are irresistible: a splash of color amidst the 
natural black-and-white. Then you know that the "series" of objects are very photogenic ....

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italyphotograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italyphotograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

-that's a favorite of mine-
Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

Random photographs from... snowbound Milan - Piazza Tommaseo
location: Milano, Italy

photograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012

In questi giorni vi mostrerò un po' di foto fatte anche di giorno e alcune di Vercelli. Ho aperto il blog col timore che avrei parlato troppo di Vercelli e Milano e alla fine parlo sempre di altrove :)
Come sempre i commenti alle foto sono graditi, soprattutto le critiche costruttive!
Da voi ha nevicato?? Se volete postare una foto del luogo in cui vivete con la neve, non esitate a farlo nella pagina facebook di The Travel Eater! Se ce ne sarà un numero cospicuo, potrei farne un post, lasciando anche i vostri link!!
A presto!
Next days I'm showing you some photos taken in daylight, and some I took in Vercelli. When I opened the blog I was scared I'll have spoken too much about Vercelli and Milan, and eventually I always spoke about elsewhere :)
As always, your comments about my pictures are welcome, especially constructive criticism!
did it snowed in your city? If you want to post pictures of where you live with snow, do not hesitate to do it in The Travel Eater 
facebook page! If there will be a large number of them, I could make a post, even linking your links!
See you soon!


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