Magazine Arte
From may 26 to 29. We will present the fourth edition of the STROKE ARTFAIR in Munich – the worlds first artfair dedicated to Urban Art.The STROKE ARTFAIR was founded 2 years ago with the purpose to support young galleryes and artists from the field of urban art with a professional but very inexpensive possibility to present their work and a fair access to the art market. During the last two years more then 25.000 visitors clearly demonstrated, that there is an amazing quality and especially a huge interest in Urban Art.
International galleries and art-collectors (from Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, the UK, Brasil , the US, Chile and so on) as well as internationally known artists like Roa, Herakut, Fin DAC, Claudio Ethos, Best Ever or Alexandros Vasmoulakis were joining the STROKE ARTFAIR and made it a very unique art event.INFO HERE.
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