Magazine Lifestyle
MY IMPERFECT ENGLISH!sunsunsun!And with the sun resurface all the product that help us to take only the best from it and fight what is dangerous.We have a lot of proposal, the advertising on newspaper grow up very fast. Our doubt grow up together...(at least mine....)Following my instinct I try all this products and I have to tell that during the years I have tested most of them.The first love was Lancaster, then the time go on, the things change and Avène is coming in my life.I love Avène thermal water, for a fresh touch in every moment. A must for our summer luggage.Alongside of Avène water I use Amande aftersun, a very good perfume. You can find Amande in herbalist.And one day, the true love! the prince charming of suntan cream! Collistar.Good price if compared with quality, a lot of cream, soft texture.My friend that work in perfumery tell to me that they can have low prices because the use others patent. They rent the patent making from other cosmetic companies!
Buona abbronzatura a tutti!!
Have a nice suntan!!
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