Dante aveva capito tutto, secondo Foreign Policy, che oggi dedica la copertina della home all’Italia di Silvio Berlusconi. Una copertina da ritagliare e incorniciare, a futura memoria:
Si comincia con le residenze del Premier, dei bordelli (e non metaforicamente, sottolineano):
Today’s Italy has been battered by even more internal storms, as well as the obvious international economic ones; since then, the prime minister’s residences have become brothels — and not just metaphorically.
Si passa poi a un’analisi della situazione politica italiana, ai cinque punti, e si rileva che il più controverso sarà la “giustizia”, che per B significa essere immune dai processi. Al fine di poter continuare a governare, aggiunge, sghignazzando, FP:
The immediate aim is to pass a motion supporting a five-point plan concerning the economy, the South, fiscal federalism, justice, and security. The most controversial issue is “justice,” which for Berlusconi means giving the himself immunity from prosecution (“in order to get on with the job of governing,” he says).
Ci ricordano, poi, l’illuminante politica estera dell’uomo di Arcore, che accoglie dittatori come “doni di Dio”. FP allega anche una vignetta dell’Economist.
To cap his effusive welcome to Libyan dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi two weeks ago, came the remarkable statement that his hosts Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev were “God’s gift to democracy”.
Si passa, quindi, alla compravendita di parlamentari, che sarà sicuramente fruttuosa, data l’esperienza accumulata con la P3:
Given his financial and media resources along with other forms of political patronage, there is little that he cannot offer. He has experience in convincing parliamentarians to come over to his side, as recent revelations about the so-called P3 are showing.
FP è impietosa: siamo stati completamente incapaci di affrontare la globalizzazione, e non è che abbiano tutti i torti…
Italy’s relative decline began almost 20 years ago, when it became clear the economy was not able to face the new challenges of globalization, but every year production figures go down with respect to Europe, and of course China and the other emerging economies.
E, per chiudere, il problema culturale. Ché sì, sarà scandaloso che qualche donna sia entrata in Parlamento passando per la camera da letto, ma è sicuramente peggio che uomini e donne, giornalisti e professionisti abbiano abbandonato opinioni e principi, piuttosto che i propri corpi.
The real point, though, is that the problem is not that some women got into Parliament through a bedroom; it is that men and women, journalists and professionals, have given up their minds and principles rather than their bodies.
La frase finale non ha bisogno di ulteriori parole:
Dante is oft quoted here for good reason — the state has descended into Inferno.