Magazine Arte
VERA WANG WEDDING DRESSES. A peaceful wave washed over me as the first Vera Wang wedding dress graced the Fall 2013 bridal catwalk in New York. I could tell, instantly, that this collection would be a far cry from Vera's past two bridal seasons.Instead of the zombie bride look of Fall 2012, Vera chose classically bridal hair and makeup styles for her models; and rather than rich reds or black + nude for her core collection colors, it was all about rich ivory and traditional wedding white for Fall '13. Ahhhhh... Vera's return to tradition felt surprisingly good!
Without the distraction of walking dead models, or trying to wrap my mind around a black or bright red bridal gown, I was able to focus on all of the amazing things that make Vera Wang's gowns so, well, amazing! Such as, her impeccably tailored silhouettes, high volume ballgowns, delicate embroideries, and feather-light layers & cascading tiers of frothy tulle and romantic lace. And Vera brought all of these to the table in a major way this season! Take a peek...
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